Wow! A man with 12 gold biscuits in his gut

Meet the man with a golden gut. Doctors operating on this 63-year-old businessman literally hit a goldmine, becaming aware of as many as 12 gold biscuits weighing a total of 396 grams inside his abdomen.

The businessman from Chandni Chowk had come to the private city hospital seeking surgery to remove a “foreign metal”. His family claimed he had swallowed a water bottle cap in anger.

The truth turned out to be a little more off the wall. The man had actually swallowed the gold biscuits, each weighing 33g, to smuggle them into the country from Singapore 10 days back. This would be worth Rs 12 lakh in all. He even managed to elude security checks at airports.

Unfortunately,the plan got ‘stuck’ as the man could not pass the bullion through his stool. He tried everything from drinking lots of fluid to using laxatives butin vain, as the biscuits stayed in the small intestine, causing pain.

According to the doctors who operated on the businessman said that he did not eat anything for 10 days hoping the gold would come out.
“When it did not, he came to us for surgery claiming that he had accidentally swallowed a water bottle cap,” a doctor said.

“I have been treating this patient since 1989, when he came for gall bladder removal. He is a wealthy man with a good business in Chandni Chowk and both his sons are settled abroad. It is both surprising and shocking to know that he could do something like this,” said Dr C S Ramachandran, senior consulting surgeon at Sir Ganga Ram hospital.

The golden gut businessman was admitted in the hospital on April 9. “It was a high-risk surgery because the patient had undergone operation four times in the past. We counselled him and finally got together a team of surgeons to get through the abdominal cavity to remove the foreign metal,” said Dr Dhawal Sharma, another surgeon.

As he says, it takes two hours into the surgery, what they found left everyone in the operation theatre shell-shocked. “It was like digging into a gold mine. The biscuits were coming out one after the other,” the doctor said.