Hyderabad: Silver Jubilee celebrations of World Quranic campaign started with a function held at Siasat Urdu Daily yesterday. Mr. Zahid Ali Khan, Editor of Siasat Urdu Daily and Mr. Amer Ali Khan, News Editor of Siasat Urdu Daily attended the function as chief guests. The promoter of this campaign, Maulana Shabbeer Nakshbandi paid rich tributes to former Editor of Siasat Urdu Daily, Late Janab Abid Ali Khan and Joint Editor, Late Janab Mahboob Husain Jigar who patronized this movement which met with success. They encouraged this program. He felt delighted that Mr. Zahid Ali Khan has been continuing this tradition. He further said that Ramazan is the month in which the Quran was revealed. It is therefore a matter of blessing to read it. Recitation of is regarded as worship. He introduced the guest Qaris who have come from Egypt, Iran and Afghanistan. Mr. Amer Ali Khan welcomed the Qaris. Shaik Makkavi of Al-Azhar University (Egypt) started the recitation of the Quran. The people were spell-bound. Qari Agha Khusro Ameeni Aghai (Iran) recited the Quran which warmed the souls of the audience. Qari Amanullah Ahmedi recited the Quran in his peculiar style which renewed the faith of the audience.
Present on this occasion were Mr. Abid Siddiqui, President of MDF. Mr. Baquer Mirza, Dy. Director, News (AIR), Mr. Shahabuddin Hashmi, Bureau Chief of Siasat Urdu Daily and the staff of Siasat Urdu Daily. Mr. Zahid Ali Khan was delighted on the melodious recitation of the Quran by the minor student Qaria and Hafiza and offered her sweets and cash. Later, Iftaar was arranged for all the audience.
–Siasat News