Workers strip naked to boost business

London, July 03: A GROUP of office staff have discovered they work better together when they are NAKED.

Workers at a design and marketing company onebestway in the UK stripped off at the encouragement of their boss, who thought the move would boost business.

The ailing company had seen six redundancies since the start of the credit crunch when business psychologist David Taylor was brought in to boost team spirit.

The event, dubbed Naked Friday, was deemed a huge success and is even credited with turning around the firm’s fortunes.

Front-of-house manager Sam Jackson, 23, told The Sun: ‘It was brilliant. Now that we’ve seen each other naked, there are no barriers.

‘We weren’t put under any pressure. If we wanted to come in clothed or in our underwear, we could. But I love my body and I wasn’t ashamed.’

During the week leading up to the strip-off, the workers were encouraged to photocopy parts of their bodies to make them more confident about themselves.

A nude model was also brought in for the workers to sketch and talk to.

Sam added: ‘It took a week of David being in the office for us to build up courage. The first few steps were very nerve-wracking, but once I got to my desk and got used to it, I felt totally comfortable.

‘It was emotional but we found we were much more able to talk to each other honestly – and have been since. The company has improved massively.’
