Work comes to a standstill at Urdu University, wilfulness of high officials continues

Thanks to the wilfulness of higher officials of Maulana Azad National Urdu University work in the Maulana Azad National University has come to a standstill. Many departments of the university are in miserable condition while performance of most of the centres is zero. Interestingly there is contrast between information provided on English and Urdu websites of the university. Information regarding Instructional Media Centre provided on the website is also based on misleading facts. Former VC appointed non-Urdu person as the director of Media Centre.

According to internal sources of media Centre, the centre is virtually paralysed since 2010. The persons associated with the centre face harassment by higher officials.

The Urdu website is still incomplete and there is a sharp contrast between the information provided on Urdu and English websites. A professor of the university has to say that as long as there will be non-Urdu people on high posts, development of Urdu in Urdu University would be a far cry.

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