Woolwich attack suspect ‘linked’ to Osama bin London

One of the two suspected terrorists, who hacked a British soldier to death on a busy London street, is believed to have had contact with a ‘terrorist instructor’.

The instructor is now in prison for running military-style training camps which were used by Islamist extremists including the 21/7 London bombers.

According to the Independent, Michael Adebolajo is understood to have attended talks given by preacher Mohammed Hamid, who called himself Osama bin London.

Hamid, a 55-year-old former crack addict, was convicted of “grooming” young Muslim men for jihad.

During his trial in Woolwich Crown court in 2008, the jury was played secretly taped recordings of him talking about the victims of the 7/7 bombings.

Hamid, whose family came to Britain from Tanzania, was found guilty at the trial of three counts of soliciting murder and three counts of providing terrorism training, and jailed indefinitely, for a minimum of seven-and-a-half years, the report added.
