Faridabad: From day one it is being tried to protect the killers of Hafez Junaid Khan who was brutally killed in a train recently. In this connection during a hearing in the court on Thursday Additional Advocate General Deepak Sabharwal claimed that Junaid’s father was demanding Rs. 2 crore and land for compromise. On this Junaid’s father Jalaluddin Khan strongly reacted and said ‘I would not compromise even if I’m given Rs. 100 Cr let alone Rs. 2 Cr.’ He slammed government and said this plot is being hatched to protect killers. But I won’t move an inch because I want justice for my son.
Speaking to news reporters Jalaluddin said I was being pressurized before the beginning of the case. I was asked to compromise and take the case back by taking some money and land but I openly refused. Hence the BJP government is trying to prove me a liar.
On June 22, Junaid and three of his brothers had boarded a local train from Delhi’s Sadar Bazar Station. A fight broke out between some passengers and the brothers over seats. The incident turned communal after a mob allegedly called the brothers “anti-nationals” and “beef eaters” and threw their skull caps on the floor. 15-year-old Junaid was killed in the fight, while his brothers were hospitalised with stab wounds.