Dhanbad: A 21-year- old Bharit Kumari, a third year B.A. student, gave birth to a baby boy at the examination centre in Saria College, Giridh district of Jharkhand.
Bharit reached the examination venue after travelling approximately 25 kilometres from her home, in a three wheeler for over two hours reached the examination centre half an hour after the exam began.
Bharti went into labour. The college authorities called a medical team from a nearby nursing home , but by the time they could reach the college, Bharti delivered her baby.
Both mother and child were rushed to the hospital and they were declared safe. The examination centre superintendent Arun Kumar said, “The moment she suffered labour pains, our colleague Professor Vinita Kumari rushed in and tried taking the patient to an empty room but she delivered the child on the way.”
“Though other examinees were disturbed for a few minutes, all’s well that ends well,” said a grateful Kumar.