Hyderabad: Photos and video are making rounds in social media showing ladies offering Taraveeh prayer in rain at the historical Makkah Masjid, which have drawn criticism from various quarters against government, Minority Welfare Department (MWD) and leaders representing the area. The showers on the occasion of first Taraveeh of Ramadan exposed the government’s arrangements and the meetings and announcements of ‘elaborate arrangements’ made ahead of Ramadan.
Waterproof tents were erected spending lakhs of rupees at the historical Makkah Masjid but it also proved a futile attempt to save devotees from rain. Rain water began falling down from the tents. Several coolers and fans also stopped working.
No tent was erected at the backside of Asif Jahi rulers’ shrines where ladies offer Namaz, as a result ladies offered Namaz while getting drenched in rain. Devotees had to bring drinking water along with them as there was no such facility provided.
Mr. Majeedullah Khan Farhat President Majlis Bachao Tahreek who was present in the Masjid on the occasion lamented upon the poor arrangements made by the government. Ladies also rued the poor arrangements and criticised the government for not erecting tents at the place where ladies offer Namaz.
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