Bengaluru: In a bizzare incident, a woman reportedly chopped off her husband’s fingers with a kitchen knife for allegedly checking her phone in Bengaluru.
Though the incident happened on May 4, but the incident came to light recently when the victim lodged a complaint with the police, seeking protection from his wife. Ironically, both have filed complaints against each other at a local police station.
Acording to reports, Sunitha Singh and Chandraprakash Singh from Bihar have been married for seven years and working for different IT companies. Sunitha had recently quite her job.
According to police Chandraprakash alleged that his wife is addicted to her mobile phone and this had led to frequent quarrels between them.
“When Chandra Prakash returned home from office around 11 p.m. on May 4 enquired about dinner plans, Sunitha who was reportedly busy on her phone, asked him to order food from a restaurant, which enraged him”, the police said.
An argument eloped berween the two and it enrages fire when Chandra Prakash checked Sunitha’s phone. Chandra Prakash allegedly slapped her. Sunitha then took a kitchen knife and allegedly slashed three fingers of his right hand, the police said.
“There are severe injury marks on Chandraprakash’s right hand fingers. We have registered a case and a probe is on. Both husband and wife have lodged complaints against each other and we are questioning them about the incident,” the Bengaluru Police said.