Karnataka: A 20-year-old woman, who was newly wed from Mysore had sent police on a chase after she told them that she was kidnapped and gang-raped by four unidentified men on Friday.
The Police later got to know that the Woman was just lying to get separate from her husband.
As per the news reported in Deccan Herald, according to the complaint filed by the woman, she told the police that while she was walking in Timber yard layout near Shalini Garments off Mysuru road, a passerby had approached her and told that someone was calling her. When she turned around, a white Maruti Omni stopped near her and she was pulled inside the vehicle. The Woman told that there were total four men who were aged in between 25 and 30. She also told the police that the four men took her to another place and she was raped there till 8 pm. Then she was blindfolded and dropped off at Kalasipalayam bus stand. The woman took auto rickshaw and returned home.
The woman also told in a complaint that her ornaments were robbed by the four men who kidnapped and raped her.
The Police formed special teams to investigate the case, and they found that the woman was lying. The police found that the CCTV footage of Kalasipalayam did not support her statement. Also, the time on which she said she was kidnapped, the woman was with her friend. They also found that the ornaments were given to her friend who knows about the plan.
Both the woman and her friend were summoned by the police who counselled both of them.