Mumbai, July 01: Emotional scenes were witnessed in the court conducting the trial of 26/11 terror attack accused Mohammed Ajmal Kasab on Wednesday, when a witness broke down while identifying him as the gunman who killed his brother.
Bharat Vaghela, who lives in a hut near the Cama Hospital which was one of the sites of the terror attacks, broke down as he said he had seen Kasab killing his brother.
“My brother has small children. Who will look after them?” an emotional Vaghela said.
When asked by special judge M L Tahaliyani to regain composure, Vaghela said, “I have seen with my own eyes this man firing at my brother. How can I forget?”
However, Kasab did not react when identified by Vaghela.
Two other eyewitnesses, a nurse at Cama Hospital and a photojournalist, also identified Kasab today as one of the gunman involved in the terror strikes.
Vaghela said on the night of November 26 he was standing outside his house talking to some friends when they saw two persons approach from a distance who began shooting at them.
“I then rushed towards my hut, closed the door and told my mother what had happened,” he said.