When TRS member Errabelli Dayakar Rao and TPCC president N Uttam Kumar Reddy faced each other in the Assembly lobbies on Friday, the former asked the latter when he would remove his beard. In a prompt reply, Uttam said he would do so after his party’s win in 2019 general elections.
Amused at their talk on the beard, the scribes surrounded them to know more. The interaction took place in the Assembly lobbies. While Dayakar Rao sarcastically asked Uttam as to why he was growing beard and when he would shave it off, the TPCC chief said he would continue to sport the beard until the next elections in 2019. On his turn, when Uttam asked Dayakar Rao as to why he was looking cool, the TRS member said he is cool because all tensions have gone. “My tensions have gone and I am cool, but you will have fresh tensions from now”, Errabelli quipped indirectly talking about Revanth Reddy’s entry into the Congress. It may be mentioned here that the TPCC chief had declared that he would not remove his beard until his party sweeps next elections. (NSS)