Mumbai, May 31: For number of years, Manisha Koirala had decided to take it easy as far as Bollywood was concerned. She decided not do any films at all rather than work on something which would only harm her reputation. However, film maker Partho Ghosh had other plans. He was deciding to make a comeback of sorts and the first person he thought of was none other than Manisha Koirala, the actor who had given him huge recognition with AGNISAKSHI.
He also reached out to Jackie Shroff who has made a career out of obliging industry folks. An idea was discussed and soon it turned into a definite project. The film was (ironically) titled EK SECOND… JO ZINDAGI BADAL DE?.
Says an industry source, “Both Ghosh and Manisha had right reasons to believe that EK SECOND… JO ZINDAGI BADAL DE? would be a good comeback film for them. While Manisha had still opted for semi-retirement over last few years, Ghosh’s career was going nowhere. He had three stuck projects to his name – MASTANA with Govinda, KAANCH – THE BROKEN GLASS with Shilpa Shetty and a small time film called MERI LIFE MEIN USKI WIFE which was going nowhere.”
There was a definite road block that Partho Ghosh had hit and he knew that if at all he had to make a comeback, he would have to rely upon his friends from the industry with whom he had worked in the past. “That’s right”, continues the source, “On the other hand Manisha and Jackie too are at that stage of their career where they have nothing to lose. It made sense for the team to come together and try their luck all over again.”
Now that the film is ready to release on 11th June, one wonders if the AGNISAKSHI magic would be recreated all over again! Also starring ex-Miss India Nikita Anand, Pakistani actor Moammar Rana and Rozza Catalano, ex-girlfriend of Saif Ali Khan, EK SECOND… JO ZINDAGI BADAL DE? would be arriving a week after RAJNEETI releases on 4th June.