Union minister Ram Shankar Katheria today said a grand Ram temple will be built in Ayodhya, but in accordance with Supreme Court directions and with consensus of all concerned.
“Ram Mandir is the centre of faith in the country. A grand Ram Mandir would be built in Ayodhya,” The Union Minister of State (MoS) for HRD said.
“But, it will be built only after Supreme Court’s decision and upon reaching a consensus among all parties concerned,” he said.
Katheria, who was on a two-day visit here, said that people of every sector or area will be consulted and their suggestion will be included in the upcoming financial budget to be presented in Parliament.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has asked his Cabinet colleagues to visit two Lok Sabha constituencies to seek public opinion and suggestion for next financial year budget, he said.
He alsi said he would be meeting farmers, industrialists, labourers, businessmen in two days to prepare a pre-budgetary report to be submitted to the Prime Minister.