Mumbai: Shiv Sena’s Aaditya Thackeray, who took oath as a legislator for the first time on Wednesday, said that he would enjoy working with youth in the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly and urged all parties to work together for the welfare of the state.
“I will enjoy working with the youth in the Assembly. All parties have to work together for Maharashtra. It would be good if all will cooperate in resolving the issues of women, farmers, and youth,” said junior Thackeray.
“We are committed to making a new Maharashtra. There are several first time MLAs and we all felt proud while taking the oath. We want to serve the people of the state,” he added.
Yesterday, a delegation of NCP, Congress and Shiv Sena leaders met the Governor, following which it was announced that Uddhav Thackeray will take oath as chief minister on November 28.
The development comes after Devendra Fadnavis submitted his resignation as chief minister of the state after Supreme Court asked him to prove majority in the 288-member Assembly before 5 pm on Wednesday.
Fadnavis and NCP leader Ajit Pawar were, in a surprising turn of events, administered oath as the Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister of the state, respectively, on Saturday morning, nixing Shiv Sena, Congress and NCP’s bid to form government in the state.