Ghazipur: Soon after BJP leader Ranjeet Bahadur Srivastava kicked fresh controversy by making a communal threat against Muslims, yet another BJP leader and Union Minister Manoj Sinha boldly threatened in mafia-style to ‘taking care of party’s critics within four hours’.
Sinha a three-time parliamentary member was caught on camera threatening to chop off any finger that is raised against saffron party while campaigning in UP’s Ghazipur.
“If any finger is pointed at a BJP worker, then I assure you, in four hours that finger will not be salamat (safe),” the 59-year-old said.
“BJP’s workers are ready to bury corruption and illegal wealth. No one has the temerity to look a BJP worker in the eye. If they do, then rest assured, those eyes will not be safe,” the minister added.
Manoj Sinha is the Union Minister of State (independent charge) for Communications and Railways and describes himself as an “agriculturist and social worker”.
Earlier Sinha had said that the nation wouldn’t have faced terrorism today had Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel been the first prime minister instead of Jawaharlal Nehru.