Hyderabad (Telangana) [India]: Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhara Rao on Wednesday said that their party will complete the Mallanna Sagar project at any cost.
“The Telangana Government will build Mallanna project and other projects at any cost,” Rao said in the assembly today.
He also said that their government has recently cleared 4000 crores of farmer’s loans.
Earlier in the year, over 30,000 people spread over 14 villages in Medak district have hitted the streets opposing the land acquisition due to the Mallanna Sagar project.
The proposed project is designed to store 51,000 million cubic feet of water and will irrigate 12 lakh acres in the drought-prone Medak, Nalgonda, Nizamabad, Warangal and Ranga Reddy districts.
But 14 villages in the district will be submerged when the project is completed, with the government planning to acquire over 20,079 acres of land for the project. (ANI)