New Delhi: In a firm statement amid ongoing beef row, Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP) president Amit Shah on Friday said that his party will bring adequate laws against cow slaughter if voted to power in Bihar.
He further said that every NDA-ruled state is against cow slaughter.
“Wherever, there is BJP government in the country, we have brought laws against cow slaughter. Even in Bihar if we form the government, we will bring adequate laws against cow slaughter,” Shah told a regional news channel.
Shah also questioned the Congress party and the JD(U) over their silence on RJD chief Lalu Prasad’s views on beef and asked them to come out openly whether they endorse it or not.
“As far as killing of cows are concerned, even today the whole country looks at cow with respect. Statements like asking the difference between the meat of cow and goat by Lalu Prasad Yadav is very unfortunate. It is shocking that Congress party and JD(U) has maintained silence on this. Either they should oppose his statement or support him. Every party should make his stand clear,” Shah added.