Hyderabad: The LB Nagar court on Friday convicted a 24-year-old Pittala Kiran with eight years of rigorous imprisonment for burning his wife till death.
In December 2015 husband came home at a late hour in a state of intoxication, and at once commenced to beat his wife as he noticed that she was chewing Gutka (tobacco), very soon after this the brutal husband set her on fire by pouring kerosene on her, and the blaze which burned her hair and face.
The unfortunate woman was burned so badly that she died in two hours after being taken to the Gandhi hospital. The husband immediately fled, and at last, he was arrested by the Medchal police and was in judicial demand.
During the trial at II ADJ Court at LB Nagar on Friday, the judge V. Sheshu Babu convicted the accused Pittaka Kiran with eight years of Rigorous Imprisonment (RI) and also slapped a fine of Rs. 2000.