New Delhi: With crowd at Shaheen Bagh cheering him on Wednesday, Bhim Army chief Chandrashekhar Azad sharpened his attack on the Prime Minister, saying “if the PM can do ‘Mann ki baat,’ then why is he not listening to the ‘mann ki baat’ of women of Shaheen Bagh who are sitting in protest for the last 38 days for a cause?”
Azad said he would not betray the people’s cause and that his struggle to oppose the new citizenship law (CAA), National Population Register and National Register of Citizens would continue.
“To succeed, we need at least 1 lakh ‘Shaheen Baghs’ across the country as the government is making attempts to derail the movement,” he said. He also criticised those trying to sabotage the agitation.
“I have been told by the court to respect the Prime Minister and the Constitution, but the Prime Minister should also listen to the voice of people,” said the Dalit leader.
With him was Azad’s lawyer Mehmood Pracha, who told IANS that “vested interests in connived with BJP” were trying to sabotage the agitation.
One of the protesting women, Afreen, said the agitation would intensify with support of the Bhim Army. “This has now become a people’s movement. The government must listen to us,” she said.