Why is Twitter flooded with memes after PM Modi’s Pariksha Pe Charcha?

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday interacted with students, teachers and parents in the fourth edition of ‘Pariksha pe Charcha’. In the programme, PM Modi answered the questions of students on how they can beat exam stress. Along with this, the Prime Minister also shared tips on how to perform well in the upcoming board exams.

The PM told students on Wednesday not to fear exams but to see them as a test to improve themselves. He further said that exams are not the last chance to prove yourself, but an opportunity to take your first steps towards your dreams.

While certain section of students did listen to this with dedication, what really caught the attention of some students was the PM’s advice to attempt the difficult questions first and keep the easy ones for the last during the exam. The ‘advice’ went viral on social media and Twitter had a meme fest after this.

“My view on trying easy questions first in the exams is slightly different. The most difficult part should be addressed with ‘fresh mind’ and this will make easy ones feel even easier. In my work as the Prime Minister and Chief Minister earlier, I preferred to tackle difficult issues in the morning with fresh mind.” he said.

However, PM Modi’s exam suggestions to students during ‘Pariksha pe Charcha’ have invited some sharp and witty reactions from Twitterati.

Check out the memes here:

One user posted a meme in reference to Modi’s infamous interview with Karan Thappar where he did not answer the ‘difficult questions’.
