Mumbai, June 09:There’s a soft side to the rough and tough Khiladi Kumar that not many know of. Through his blog, Akki recently revealed some sweet tit-bits about his personal life. Akshay Kumar, who has been married to Twinkle Khanna for about 8 years, reveals his reason of saying the ‘I Do’ to the beautiful lady.
According to Akshay, more than beauty it was Twinkle’s qualities that made him fall in love with her. While describing his wife he revealed, “Twinkle is one of the most wonderful, talented and head strong women. Believe me, I am one man who respects women head over heels more than men.”
Interestingly his character in Kambakkht Ishq is totally different from what he is in his personal life. “I may be playing a typical male chauvinistic pig, who only thinks of “one thing”, and doesn’t care a damn about women’s feelings at all. But I’d like to clarify something here, I am only playing a character,” said Akshay
Akki explains that he doesn’t believe in the battle of sexes. Loyalty and the Power of giving birth are some qualities that Akki admires the most in women. “No man could ever go through what women go through. And after them putting us wonderful men here on this planet we dare to take their freedom of speech or belittle their gender! If I ever saw a man mistreat a woman, he’d wish he never woke up that morning…” he warns.