The Chief Minister of Karnataka H D Kumaraswamy, who heads the Congress-Janata Dal Secular alliance government, has accused the Bharatiya Janata Party of dumping the bricks collected for Ram temple into the garbage.
The statement, which was made while replying to the motion of thanks to the Governor’s address, has led to protests. Kumaraswamy, who has been repeatedly asked to give an ‘account’ of how he will manage to give out crop loan waivers under the tight financial position of the State, went on the offensive against the BJP in the Legislative Council
“You (BJP) keeping asking me when I will waive farmer loans. You (BJP) give an account of the number of bricks collected. The BJP has dumped bricks collected in thippe gundi (garbage bins) and pocketed the money. They have been constructing the Ram Mandir for the last 25 years now and it is nowhere near completion,” said Kumaraswamy while replying to the motion of thanks on governor’s address.
“I may have offended your sentiments, but people of this nation have a right to seek an account of the money and bricks collected for building the Ram Mandir. Whom have you submitted the accounts to?”
Former BJP Rajya Sabha member Ayanur Manjunath demanded that the remark on “dumping of bricks” be withdrawn. This comment led to protests from the BJP, which asserted that the promise was not dropped. Later on, to ensure the functioning of the council, Kumaraswamy withdrew his statement by saying “I apologise, I am sure all the bricks have been safely stored and secured Perhaps, in the next 15 to 20 years, the BJP will finally lay the foundation of the stone for Ram Mandir”