Aamir Khan recently enlightened the audience about why he spits on a lady’s hand. The 51-year-old star, who is usually a prankster on the sets of his films, was sharing a stage with his Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar co-stars at the MAMI 18th Mumbai Film Festival when Farah Khan recalled one such moment, reports Pinkvilla.
Farah said, “Aamir used to do this to everyone and he still doing this …he is like ‘Let me read your hand’. And then he would spit on it” Quick to retort, the PK star light-heartedly replied, “Maine jis heroine ke haath par thukha hai wo number one ban gayi”
Pooja Bedi, who was also taking part in the conversation joint in to say, “I’ll tell my daughter Aalia that you have to go and meet Aamir uncle he needs to spit on your hand.” The reunion of 1992’s JJWS also saw Deepak Tijori, Ayesha Jhulka, Mamik Singh and Imran Khan among others.
Interestingly and much to the delight of the audience, Aamir continued to talk about all that has changed during this period of 24 years. “24 years mein bahut kuch change ho gaya hai– my marriage was broken, I have remarried. What else?” he humoured.
The Ghajini actor will be seen next in Nitesh Tiwari’s upcoming ‘Dangal’ that releases on December 23 this year.