Mumbai, July 28 : Wearing a mask has become the new normal amid the Covid-19 pandemic, and actor Sachin Pilgaonkar took a stroll down memory lane and shared a throwback video where we see his wife, actress Supriya Pilgaonkar, and late actress Reema Lagoo sporting masks.
Taking to Instagram, Sachin posted a clip from the nineties hit TV show, ” Tu Tu Main Main”.
“This was in 1995 . Those confused about how to wear a mask properly, you can watch Supriya and Reema in this clip from our show ‘ Tu Tu Main Main’. Good old times! Miss Reema,” Sachin captioned the video.
Sachin’s post has surely ushered in a wave of nostalgia among social media users.
Reacting to the post, a user commented: “hahaha legendary.”
Another one wrote: “Miss this show so much.”
Sachin joined Instagram a few months ago, and since then he has been entertaining fans with his posts.
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