Bangkok: A Thai woman got surprised when she found a whale vomit, ambergris worth more than Rs.4 crore at a beach near her home.
According to a report of a British newspaper “Daily Mail”, Siriporn Niamrin, 49, was walking on the beach after a rainstorm when she spotted a heavy mass smelling like fish. She brought this mass to her home and showed it to her neighbours.
Niamrin was surprised when her neighbours informed her that the mass is whale vomit, ambergris.
The 12 inch wide and 24 inch long mass weighing 7 kgs valued at 1,86,500 UK pound. To check whether or not the mass is ambergris, Niamrin and her neighbours lighted a part of it which melted and then again become hard after cooling. Niamrin is waiting for the experts to come and confirm its originality.
Ambergris is produced by sperm whales
Sperm whales produce ambergris after bile ducts in the gastrointestinal tract make secretions to ease the passage of large or sharp objects. The whale, thereafter, vomits the mucilage. It solidifies and floats on the surface of the ocean.
Initially, whale vomit has a foul smell but it develops a pleasing fragrance after the mucilage dries out, due to which it is a significant ingredient in the perfume industry.