Deoria: Taking a swipe at Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav said on Saturday that when he comes to power, he will make the same officers who had searched for missing water faucets at his official residence, search for “chillums” or smoking pipes at Adityanath’s house.
Yadav, while addressing a rally in Deoria, said, “When we distributed the world’s best laptops to students, why would we steal faucets? Students are still using our laptops which speak volumes about their quality.”
“We will make them search for ‘chillums’ at Adityanath’s house,” he said.
Yadav, who was flanked by a lookalike of Adityanath named Suresh Thakur, said, “We do not talk about fake gods but I have brought a ‘baba’ here.”
Lashing out at the Chief Minister for his ‘thoko niti’ (encounter policy), the SP President said, “There are people who use the encounter policy in the state and then claim to have eradicated crime. It is important to remove not only the ‘chowkidar’ (Prime Minister Narendra Modi) but also the ‘thokidar’ (Chief Minister Adityanath).”
Yadav also criticised the BJP, alleging that it had a role in the cancellation of his party candidate and sacked BSF jawan Tej Bahadur Yadav’s ticket from the Varanasi Lok Sabha seat by the Election Commission.
“The government claims to put an end to terrorism but is afraid of a jawan,” he added.
Commenting on the Samajwadi Party-Bahujan Samaj Party alliance, Yadav said according to information received from the first five phases of the election, it was clear that “those who talk about Swachh Bharat campaign are being cleaned up completely.”
Meanwhile, in another rally, Chief Minister Adityanath likened Yadav to Mughal emperor Aurangzeb, saying, “There is one who dethroned his father like Aurangzeb. The (SP-BSP) alliance will come apart after May 23 and the leaders will abuse each other. Their behaviour is like a scorpion, snake and frog that come together during floods but begin fighting when the waters recede.”