New Delhi: Delhi Police on Monday said that they have filed the case in the Tilak Nagar eve teasing incident on the basis of the victim’s statement, Jasleen Kaur, adding that they will investigate the matter impartially.
“We go by evidence on record. We have recorded the statement of the girl and on that basis we have filed the case against the accused,” Delhi Police Commissioner BS Bassi told ANI.
“We are investigating the case without any partiality. For us, it doesn’t matter whether a person belongs to any political party. If a person has broken any law or has committed anything against the law, then we will take action against the culprit,” he added.
The parents of the accused have alleged that the victim belongs to Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and its nothing but a publicity stunt.
In a Facebook post, Kaur shared the snap and details about an eve teaser who had heckled her at a traffic signal while travelling at around 8 p.m. on Sunday. (ANI)