We have 16% global population but only 4% fresh water available: Vice President

New Delhi: Rajya Sabha chairman M. Venkaiah Naidu on Tuesday said that the conservation of water and preservation of our water resources is of the utmost importance for our country given the fact that we have 16 per cent of the global population, but only four percent of the world’s available fresh water.

He said that this year’s UN theme for ‘World Water Day’ is ‘Groundwater, making the Invisible Visible’ that focuses on groundwater, which exists as an invisible resource, but has a profound impact visible everywhere.

“Sustenance of life on our planet, to a large extent, depends on the groundwater. Groundwater supplies a large proportion of the water we use for drinking, sanitation, food production and industrial processes and is equally significant for the healthy functioning of ecosystems,” Naidu said.

He added that with the ever growing population, urbanisation and industrialisation, the demand for water has increased manifold and the groundwater resources have been put under severe stress.

The dual challenge regarding our groundwater resources is faced due to its exploitation and pollution due to industrial effluents, mining activities and agricultural runoff.

As people’s representatives, the Rajya Sabha chairman said that it was incumbent upon the people to serve as flag bearers in their efforts to conserve water resources.

He urged the people to adopt sustainable water management practices both in personal and public life and sensitise one and all in inculcating water conservation techniques like rain water harvesting, afforestation, adoption of water efficient agriculture, preservation of wetlands and recharging of aquifers.

Referring to the ancient texts such as Rig Veda Samhita that exhorts us to treat water as a divine gift of nature, Naidu also said: “Plants and waters are treasures for generations. Atharva Veda Samhita also enjoins us to refrain from water pollution and the waters are to be freed from defilement.

“In tune to our ancient wisdom, I hope the entire House will join me in supporting the conservation of water resources, especially groundwater resources, and ensuring judicious use of water so that while fulfilling our present needs, enough is left for our future generations.”