We condemn all kinds of snooping: Cong

Amid reports that BJP was spied upon by the US National Security Agency, Congress today said it condemns all kinds of snooping by any sovereign country on any other sovereign nation.

Party spokesman Abhishek Singhvi told reporters that the party condemns “all other forms of snooping also”, an obvious dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi over the snoopgate controversy involving the spying upon on a young woman.

Insisting that the party needed to know facts about the NSA snooping, he said, “We don’t accept that any particular person in the government facilitated or permitted.”

At the same time, he said that the government should take up the matter with all earnestness with the country alleged to have done the snooping.

His remarks came close on the heels of India summoning a top US diplomat here to raise the issue, saying it was “totally unacceptable” that an Indian organisation or Indian individual’s privacy was transgressed upon.

India also sought an assurance from the US that it will not happen again.

However, officials did not say who was the US diplomat summoned by the External Affairs Ministry.