Mumbai: Superstar Salman Khan’s sister Arpita Khan was captured smashing plates at a Dubai restaurant and the video of same is doing rounds on social media. She was seen enjoying a Greek tradition where the smashing or breaking of plates ward off evil spirits.
In viral clip which we came across on Instagram, Arpita Khan was chilling with her friends as well as breaking plates at the Greek restaurant in Dubai.
Arpita Khan seems to enjoy the tradition as she and her friends gather around and dance while smashing the plates on the floor. She is seen wearing a black outfit and can’t stop laughing while looking and doing this fun stunt.
Check out the video below:
Arpita Khan trolled for fun stunt
As soon as the video of Arpita Khan started doing rounds on social media, netizens criticized her for breaking the plates ‘unapologetically’ adding that it’s a ‘foolish thing’ and a ‘waste of money’.
One user wrote, “Shame shame so much masti and pride !! There are millions of people on this planet haven’t got a plate to eat food from let alone food !! A man should always be in his limits. Let the fall come !!”
“Have some humanity, having money hangover is not the rite thing, if you really have good heart try to use your money to help some poor people breaking plates n calling it enjoyment is a foolish thing…”, another user wrote. ‘Wat Nonsense’, another user wrote.
Arpita Khan often shares updates of her life on social media, also featuring her family. Brother Salman Khan, husband Aayush Sharma and her two children – son Ahil and daughter Ayat – often make appearance on social media.