With just a day left for the GHMC to reach its target of Rs 1,100 crore, officials seized the Nawab Shah Alam College at Chanchalguda for non-payment of property tax of Rs 38 lakh.
The Nawab Shah Alam College authorities, after negotiating, had agreed to pay the tax by March 30, however the college remains seized. The last date to clear taxes is March 31. Payments made after the date will be fined accordingly.
The college students and the parents are crying foul over the issue as their exams are just around the corner and alleged that the college has put their future in trouble. Many students protested that the college gave no explanation to the students about the drama and hence say they have no clue about what to do next.
Meanwhile, Uppal Cricket Stadium authorities were still negotiating with GHMC officials for dues totaling Rs 14 crore.
The Evergreen Function Hall at Bandlaguda was also seized. On a different issue, the GHMC said it had erected foot over-bridges opposite 9MT Battery Military Battalion on Tippukhan Bridge, Aremaisamma Road, and Langar House.