TEXAS: Ever since President Donald Trump assumed office, hate-related incidents are on the rise in United States.
Recently, a Muslim-American family was enjoying a family reunion at a beach in Texas was subjected to a barrage of racist abuse by an apparent Donald Trump supporter, Buzz Feed reported.
The white man identified as 35-year-old Alexander Downing of Waterford, Connecticut, attacked the family with anti-Islamic slurs.
The viral video of the disturbing incident that took place on May 2 was recorded and uploaded on YouTube by Noria Alward, 19, a member of the same family.
Noria wrote: “While enjoying our time at the beach during a family reunion, our kids and we had to experience ugliness and aggressiveness in the worse shape and form possible.”
In the footage, the man, appeared to be drunk was seen shouting aggressively: ‘ISIS don’t mean s*** to me. “You’re a f***ing Muslim, motherf***er.”
“Donald Trump is my president!” and “You can try to act like you’re innocent. You can try to [expletive] with me, but guess what? You will never, ever, ever stop me. My Christianity will rise above your Sharia law. Your Sharia law … don’t mean [expletive] to me!”
Towards the end, he repeatedly screams, “Donald Trump will stop you. Donald Trump will stop you! Donald Trump got you motherf***ers. Watch… watch. My country is the greatest country in the world,” he said.

Ahmed, a member of the family, in an email to the BuzzFeed, said, “When he called it his country. It is my country too. America is my country whether he likes it or not.”
“I want people to understand that this man needs to be charged with indecent behaviour in front of kids and a minor,” Ahmed wrote in his mail.
The family further added that hotel administration allowed the abuse to continue and did little during and after the incident to protect them.
Downing was arrested by the South Padre Island Police and was charged with public intoxication.