Mumbai: Bollywood actor Deepika Padukone was spotted stepping out for dinner in Mumbai on Thursday where fans started flocking her. A video of of the same is being surfaced online where a female fan of the actor tried to pull her bag.
On Thursday night Deepika Padukone was spotted having dinner at a restaurant in Khar, a posh Mumbai suburb. Deepika met Ranveer Singh for dinner here after completing a shoot in the city. As soon as she stepped out of the restuarant, she was mobbed by a few women trying to sell tissues outside the restaurant, as well as the paparazzi, who were waiting outside for a glimpse of the actress.
While the actress was struggling to make her way through the crowd, with a smile on her face , she found her bag being pulled awayby someone. She looked concerned as her security came to her rescue and she quickly sat in her car and left the place.
Pictures and videos of the incident are going crazy viral on social media. Deepika was seen in distressed black denims and white top paired with a white and grey shrug.
Check them out below:
Meanwhile, on the professional front, Deepika Padukone is currently prepping up for the release of her upcoming Kabir Khan’s ’83 which also stars her husband Ranveer Singh the lead role. She is also busy with Shakun Batra’s untitled drama, which also stars Siddhant Chaturvedi and Ananya Panday.