Hyderabad: Telangana chief minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao (KCR) landed himself in a controversy after a video emerged of him calling a handful of protesting women “dogs” at a public meeting on Wednesday.
The incident took place at KCR’s public meeting at Haliya mandal in Nalgonda district on Wednesday, where the chief minister laid the foundation stone for 13 lift irrigation schemes to be constructed at an estimated cost of Rs. 2,500 crore, which are being built to provide irrigation for at least 1.3 lakh acres.
During the meeting, a handful of women had reportedly interrupted his speech and wanted to give him a memo. The ladies are believed to belong to a group called Dalit Shakti. KCR, after taking cognizance of their actions, directed them to give their memo to the police present there.
“Now that you have given it (memo), please leave. If you want to stay, please be calm. Nobody will be disturbed by your antics. There are lot of dogs like you,” KCR could be heard saying in a video from his speech.
Aside from the controversy, KCR during his meeting came down heavily on the Congress party, stating that its leaders are solely to blame for all the “past miseries” of the erstwhile Nalgonda district and Telangana state as a whole.
The chief minister alleged said that the Congress leadership in Telangana shifted the Nagarjuna Sagar dam 19 kilometers downstream, which eventually benefited the Andhra side of the state.