IT and Municipal Administration Minister KT Rama Rao today said teams of Cyber Warriors will be roped into put a tab on cyber attacks. He expressed concern that cyber attacks have become a challenge and steps are on to check the daunting problem. He stated the State government has decided to press in cyber warrior teams to check the problem. He claimed that Telangana is the first State at national level that came up with a Cyber Security Policy to address the related problems.
The IT Minister was participating at a national seminar on cyber security organized at HICC by Society for Cyberabad Security Council and Kens Exhibition here attended by Police Commissioners of Cyberabad and Rachakonda.
Speaking on the occasion, KTR stressed the need for educating children on cyber security at school level and help them enable to take on the related problems in future. “On being aware of the cyber security attacks, we have started taking stringent measures to control related crimes and bring down crimes. The State Government was giving top priority for cyber security and the machinery was asked to tackle the related problems”. He also observed that there are many advantages with digital revolution, the IT Minister remarked. T-Hub launched by the State government in a prestigious manner has now become a platform for innovations and to transform new ideas into projects, he said. (NSS)