Warnings of military intervention in Libya

People of Libya revolted against Colonel Gaddafi’s regime of more than four decades and now the uprising has gathered momentum. Seeing the revolt against Colonel Gaddafi, America and other western forces want to take advantage from the situation and they are gearing up for military intervention in Libya. These countries openly warn of military intervention.

As far as the internal situation of Libya is concerned it surely cannot be termed as satisfactory. The revolt which originated from the north east area of the country generated its effect over the entire country and now it is being said that the rule of Colonel Gaddafi has narrowed down to the Capital Tripoli and there too it is being tried to crush the uprising using military force.

According to the latest reports anti government rebels have taken control over almost all the cities of the country and even the top officials of the Gaddafi’s army have come down to support the insurgence. Some of the ambassadors of Libya serving in different countries of the world have resigned their posts in protest against the Gaddafi government’s bloody crackdown on public. These diplomats are mounting pressure on other diplomatic staff also to resign.

Most of the government buildings have either been set ablaze or have been occupied by the anti government elements and protestors. Meanwhile Britain spread rumours that Colonel Gaddafi has fled the country however the report has been refuted by Colonel Gaddafi himself presenting himself on Television Channels and later he proved his presence in Libya talking to media correspondents. The rumours were taking rounds that Gaddafi fled to Venezuela. However the report was denied by Venezuela also. Further reports say that the Libyan army squads who are still loyal with Gaddafi have set afire the most crucial oil port. This report needs independent confirmation however this fear cannot be completely denied as Gaddafi’s son Yousuful Islam had warned in the beginning itself that oil wells of the country would be set on fire.

Western countries especially America and its cohorts want to take advantage of the current situation in Libya. As soon as the public protest began there, these forces have become active and now there is a growing threat of military intervention by them. The likelihood of these warnings being implemented cannot be denied. Colonel Gaddafi has always developed anti American attitude and America has often targeted Gaddafi’s rule and imposed sanctions against his government.

Colonel Gaddafi refuses to believe the revolt to be people’s uprising. He claims that this is the act of Alqaida which has incited the people. It is worth considering that the protest against Colonel Gaddafi began when two days earlier he had advised Arab world particularly Palestine to attack on Israeli boundary to protest against Israeli dominance and bring their ships to a halt till the Israel agrees to accept their demands. Beginning of protest by Libyans themselves soon after Colonel Gaddafi’s statement confirms some suspicions. As far as the threat of military intervention is concerned it has no justification and neither America nor his cohorts and united countries have any right to take over Libya as they have done with Iraq on the pretence of providing rescue to Libyan people and form a puppet government dancing to their tune and subsequently make way for accomplishing Israeli interests.

Britain too has warned military action against Libya. This warning is also condemnable. These governments should avoid any kind of external intervention adding fuel to the fire. Whatever is taking place in Libya is its internal problem and its people can take any good and final decision regarding this.

The wave of revolution sweeping across Libya cannot be underestimated but America and his cohorts cannot be provided a chance to accomplish their interests in the name of revolution wave. If any change has to come within Libya it would be decided by Libyan people and it also needs to be ensured that whatever would be the change it should be in favour of the country and its people and through this change anti Arab countries and forces could not get a chance to accomplish their goals. If there is a change in the government then also the new government should be according to the people’s wish and choice it should work for the people and should not be a puppet government dancing to the tunes of someone else, which would benefit foreign forces instead of people of the country and become a source of accomplishment of their goals.