An insignificant issue between two bikers in Meerut took a communal turn late on Thursday, leaving half a dozen people seriously injured. The Police said Junaid Rizvi of Nauchandi area, Suraj Verma and Sameer Chinkara, both residents of Chanakyapuri, were performing stunts on their motorcycles in Shastrinagar. Junaid allegedly hit Suraj’s motorcycle which led to an argument between the two.
Over a dozen people came to the assistance of Junaid who then chased Suraj and Sameer, and opened fire on them. Suraj sustained bullet injuries in the incident. Sameer managed to overpower Junaid and hit his head against a brick, Later, number of people from the two communities gathered on the streets and pelted stones at each other in which four people injured in the melee.
Junaid claimed that Sameer was behind this incident. He said.”Sameer misbehaved with Altmas who was near a paan shop in Shastrinagar. This led to a clash. We were standing at a distance, Sameer attacked us too,”
A huge police force has been deployed in Shastrinagar and Anand Hospital areas to control the situation, Senior Superintendent of Police DC Dubey said, “We have assured both the sides that action must be taken against the guilty.” Hari Shankar Sharma, police inspector of Nauchandi area said: “The bikers clashed with each other over racing. But the situation is under control.”