Hyderabad, February 1: President Al-mahd lil Jous al Islamia Islamic Research Centre, Mohammad Mahboob Aalam Ashrafi told that the waqf board has given only 298.97 sqyd land on rent to the research centre, from the 400 sqyd waqf land at Kattalmandi Abids. He clarified that the board has not allotted the entire 400 sqyd land to research centre.
Previous year’s tenants of the building have handed over the building to the Islamic research centre, impressed by its aims and objectives, and the building is under the use and possession of the centre for the past two years.
He said that earlier the rent was Rs. 2500 per month. The delegation of the research centre met Minority Welfare Minister on the issue, on which, he assured necessary amendment.
Siasat news