Hyderabad: Waqf Board has permitted police to book case against one of its officials. In this connection a letter was sent to Station House Officer of Habeeb Nagar Police station on February 23. It is said that Habeeb Nagar police in a letter to Chief Executive Officer had sought permission to book case against Waqf Protection Officer Sanaullah Khan. He faces the charge of illegally demolishing storeroom of Dargah Hazrat Sardar Baig on May 5, 2014.
The demolition was carried out without obtaining permission from Chief Executive Officer Waqf Board. Mrs. Nafeesa Begum has lodged complaint with the police station in this regard. I
In the letter police informed that the said official was time and again called for investigations but he abstained from appearing, by giving the excuse that he is shouldering the complete responsibility of Dargah Sardar Baig.
It must be noted that permission from the respective institution is compulsory for taking action against government employees.
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