Mumbai: Actor-director Rahul Bose, who has collaborated with the likes of Salim-Sulaiman and Arijit Singh for the music of his forthcoming directorial “Poorna”, says he wanted “soulful” melodies for the movie.
“Poorna” is a biopic about a teenager who became the youngest girl in the world to scale Mount Everest. The film had its music launch here on Friday in the presence of maestro Zakir Hussain, the chief guest for the event, which was enlivened by some performances.
Rahul showcased the video of the track “Kuch parbat hilayein”, and said of the music album: “I have admired Salim-Sulaiman’s work for over a decade now. I wanted soulful, emotional, inspirational music for ‘Poorna’. They were the perfect choice.
“To have a great lyricist like Amitabh Bhattacharya on board was ‘sone pe suhaga’. And just listen to Arijit… He’s taken the music to another dimension with his singing. Zakir bhai composed the music for my first film, ‘Everybody Says I’m Fine!’, and to have him with us – I am over the moon.’
Salim said: “It’s been a great journey doing the music for this film. Almost as great as Poorna’s. Sulaiman and I have explored different genres but with the same intent – memorable melodies that evoke great emotion combined with unforgettable lyrics.”
Sulaiman recounted how as composers, they were moved by the “inspirational story” of the movie, and that helped them to produce the right tunes.
Arijit, who has sung two songs — “Kuch parbat hilayein” and “Babul mora” — in the film said: “The emotions of this film drive the songs. Singing them was pure pleasure.”
“Poorna”, produced by Rahul Bose Productions, Raay Media Pvt Ltd and Co-produced by Amit Patni, is slated to release on March 31.