Ahead of the trust vote on January 2, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal today said he wants to do maximum good for the people in the next 48 hours whether the government stays or not.
“Not sure of Congress and BJP. We are not bothered whether the government survives or not. We are running the government assuming that we have just 48 hours with us. We want to do the maximum good to the people, if we can in this time,” he told reporters.
In a lighter vein, he said he can recoup his health in a couple of days but he won’t get these crucial 48 hours.
He announced that his party MLA M S Dhir will be the AAP candidate for the post of Speaker in the Delhi Assembly.
Kejriwal said that he was not aware why the BJP has declined to accept the pro-tem Speaker’s post which generally goes to the senior most member of the house.
Queried about that, he shot back, “I don’t know why the BJP declined. I think you should ask them.