Chennai: Va Tech Wabag, a water technology Indian multinational company, said on Tuesday it has secured Rs 1,477 crore worth order from State Mission for Clean Ganga in Uttar Pradesh towards operation, maintenance, and management of sewage treatment and network infrastructure in Agra and Ghaziabad for 10 years.
The order is expandable for five more years. Wabag will manage, operate and maintain 22 sewage treatment plants, 22 pumping stations and an underground network of over 3,000 km with the objective of providing round-the-clock uninterrupted operations.
The contract will ensure treatment of over 650 million liters of water per day in both cities of Agra and Ghaziabad put together, adhering to national treatment standards thus providing a cleaner and healthier ecosystem to three million people.
The company will also improve, rehabilitate and upgrade facilities related to systems, structures, and equipment associated with the sewage treatment plants and underground collection systems.
“With our experience of managing over 120 sewage treatment and pumping units with a sewage load of 4,000 million liters per day and a population of 16 million people at Istanbul in Turkey, we are confident of making this new initiative in India a success and a model that can be replicated across the country,” said Wabag’s CEO for India cluster Pankaj Sachdeva.
“Wabag is proud to play a significant part in the rejuvenation of river Yamuna, as this will ensure treatment of over 80 percent of the sewage generated in both the cities,” he said in a statement adding such long-term orders provide annuity income which helps the company with improved cash flow and better revenue predictability.
Wabag is currently operating more than 65 operation and maintenance contracts globally. The group has a workforce of over 1,600 and offices in more than 20 countries. Since 1995, Wabag has completed over 900 water and wastewater plants worldwide.