New Delhi: The Central Bureau of Investigation, CBI, has started its probe into the mysterious death of retired Indian Forest Service (IFS) officer Vijay Bahadur, who acted as an observer in two Vyapam recruitment tests of Madhya Pradesh.
The CBI team has started probing whether the death of Vijay Bahadur, whose body was found on a railway track near Belpahar station in Jharsuguda District last week was an accidental death or had any links with the Vyapam scam.
All Vyapam scam related cases were recently handed over to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and the Supreme Court has observed that mysterious deaths related to the scandal have “suddenly stopped” after the central agency started its probe.
The Vyapam scam is an admission and recruitment scam involving politicians, senior officials and businessmen in Madhya Pradesh.
In September, the Supreme Court had directed the CBI to take over all the 72 Vyapam scam cases which are pending trial at various courts in Madhya Pradesh.
Over 40 people linked to the scam have died under mysterious circumstances since 2013, the year when the scandal was first reported.