Hyderabad: Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu took to the popular social media platform, Twitter, and tweeted in Urdu to emphasise the importance of one’s mother tongue.
Quoting the celebrated poet Daagh Dehlavi, he urged users of the language to strive to protect and preserve its linguistic greatness. He also penned an article which was published in the Urdu daily, Siasat on the critical role played by one’s mother tongue.
In his tweet, the Vice President said that one’s mother tongue is not only a medium of expression of one’s thoughts and feelings, but is also an integral part of a vast linguistic, civilisational and cultural heritage. Here’s a look at his tweets:
Welcoming Vice President Venkaiah Naidu’s article and social media post in Urdu, Prof. Fakhre Alam of the Urdu Department at the Khaja Mohiuddin Chisti University of Languages in Lucknow, observed that they underscored the unifying influence of Urdu.