Hyderabad: Chief Electoral Officer, Mr. Rajat Kumar informed that as part of review programme of voters’ list 2020, citizens can file their petition for the inclusion of their names in the voters’ list before 15 January 2020.
All such applications would be disposed off before 27th January and the final list of voters would be published on 7th February 2020.
Number of voters
Mr. Rajat Kumar also informed that according to the notified voters’ list, there are 2, 98, 64, 689 voters in TS which include 1,56,07,047 men and 1, 48, 56, 676 women. In addition to these voters, there are 1566 transgender.
He requested all the eligible voters to get their names registered in the voters’ list if they have not done it yet. He mentioned that Central Election Commission has permitted for instituting 105 new polling booths in the State as a result of which, the total number of polling booths would go up to 54,707 in TS.