V.K. Singh says the External Affairs Ministry has told China what’s wrong or right over its map

Union Minister and Former Army Chief General V.K. Singh on Monday said that the foreign ministry does its work to tell China about what’s wrong or right.

Commenting on the row over the Chinese new map showing Arunachal Pradesh as part of its own territory, Singh told ANI “When China does something, India’s External Affairs ministry responds by conveying to them what is wrong or right,” he said.

Earlier in a press briefing he said, “You should ideally ask this question to the Foreign Ministry and its spokesperson. As far as Line of Actual Control (LoAC) is concerned the two nations have different perspectives. And many a time it happens that they (China) say that our man has crossed their line and vice-versa. This situation won’t be solved unless both sides meet and solve this issue. If I show your house in my map, it won’t make your house mine. Let them (China) do, but we remain firm in our position,” Singh said.

“There are several ways to convey messages,” he added.

The new map, which was unveiled recently, not only shows Arunachal Pradesh as Chinese territory but also makes controversial claims about the South China Sea, which may trigger outrage by some other Asian countries like Vietnam and Philippines.

This incident occured when Vice President Hamid Ansari is in China on a bilateral visit to strengthen relations between the two neighbours.

India’s Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) spokesperson on Saturday strongly refuted China depicting Arunachal Pradesh as part of its own territory and reiterated India’s claim over the state as its integral part.