Mumbai: Actor Vivek Oberoi on Wednesday said he has supported 5,000 daily wage workers, who are suffering due to lockdown across the country.
Vivek and Fintech start-up Financepeer founder Rohit Gajbhiye has joined hands to donate funds to the last mile workers such as labourers, maids, drivers and others.
“We observed that migrant labourers have been stranded here since a while now. There are many of them who are not even able to cope up with acquiring daily essentials.
“They are struggling to pay their rent, buy daily essentials, to feed their children. We have supported more than 5,000 families,” the actor said in a statement.
Under their initiative ‘Support Aid & Assist The Helpless SAATH’, the funds are directly transferred to the accounts of the workers in order to provide them cash assistance to meet their daily needs.
“We also launched the initiative on social media for people to directly and instantly create an impact,” Vivek added.