As soon as confrontation video of Senior Journalist Arnab Goswami went viral on social media, the Union Aviation Minister Hardeep Singh Poori immediately directed Airlines to take action against the passenger and stand-up comedian Kunal Kamra.
Following the request, without following the procedure for checking a passenger for his unruly behavior, four Domestic Airlines – IndiGo, Air India, Spice Jet and GoAir grounded Kunal, suspending his flying rights.
However, Vistara, Air Asia refused to take action against Kamra without proper inquiry into the matter as per the Country’s aviation laws.
Thanking Vistara Airlines, Kunal took to Twitter and posted a picture of himself with the caption, “My airport look all thanks to Vistara following due process.
While only recently BJP member Pragya Thakur created scene even went ahead to lodge a complaint against the Airline SpiceJet alleging ill-treatment.
This hints while people in top positions misuse their power, position, a common man is subjected to punishment, stringent action, even without holding a proper inquiry in the concerned matter such as Kamra’s where four domestic flights banned him exercising his flying rights after the Aviation Minister urged action.
Meanwhile, social media was flooded with support for Kamra, who is the host of the ‘Shut Up Ya Kunal’ podcast and popular for his anti-establishment rhetorics and dissident comedy.
The comedian has now sent a legal notice to IndiGo seeking an unconditional apology for ‘mental harrasment’, revocation of the six month ban and Rs 25 lakh in compensation.