A heavy police force of vigilance team of electricity department carried out a surprise raid at Muslim dominated Hasannagar on Tuesday saying that it is as part of the drive against power theft and non-payment of outstanding dues. The sudden action of electricity officials and vigilance team stirred the entire area and a wave of fright swept through poor people of the area. It was overhead the electricity officials saying Hasannagar has nearly 16 lakhs outstanding dues.
Surprisingly the officials blame people of stealing power while the electricity department itself provides three phase connection to various industries in the residential areas in and around Hasannagar. The electricity officials provide unrestrained electricity connection to unauthorized factories. Does it not tantamount to law breaking?
There are several non-Muslim localities in Rajendranagar area; why the vigilance officials chose to begin the drive from Hasannagar only. The drive is also seen as a political gimmick because as soon as the vigilance team entered Hasannagar, the local MIM corporator and Charminar MLA reached the spot along with some party members.
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